Monday 9 July 2007

The Eagles are coming!

We went yesterday to Burg Hohenwerfen. It is a fortress located south of Salzburg, on top of a cliff dominating the pass through the Paß Lueg, one of the dramatic gorges of the Salzach river. Every time I see such a castle (Festung Hohensalzburg in Salzburg is a good example, too) I try to imagine how it would be to have to defend or to have to attack it.

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Hohenwerfen is site to a research center for raptors and birds of prey. In addition, they make use of the incomparable environment to dress in medieval clothing and stage a superb bird show. Two hawks, three eagles, a vulture and two red kites flew over (and sometimes between!) our heads. Hands on EduDigis and her long lens, we honored the National Geographic photographer that everyone has inside.


I am posting here some photographs of the event. Looking at their weightless flight abilities, I find myself out of words. I know I shot too many photos, but I think it's worth it.

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The hawk flies at an incredible speed and almost touching the ground



An eagle flying. What else can I say?

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The vulture's flight is mighty, strong, like slow-motion.

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Is it National Geographic tune what I seem to hear? :)



The white eagle is without a doubt the most elegant bird on the show.

This vulture wanted to be friends with us... I hope!


Wish I had wings to fly away with them...


Anonymous said...

Vamos a ver... es necesario que el cuidador se vista así. Parece una mezcla de Robin Hood i Peter Pan.

Saludos toni


tonicito said...

Je je, si no se disfrazan pues como que no queda tan auténtico. Por cierto, sabes que también hago el blog en español?
Un abrazo!