Monday 16 November 2009




Unknown said...

Ich habs ein paar mal angeschaut,aber komm nicht drauf.Was ist es Ahorn Weide oder doch Eiche?Oder ist es ein Fuss einer ausgetrockneten Alten ....wie mir mein Hobby feixend uebern Ruecken raunt:-).....Ja ja Maenner die haben fuer alles "die Erklaerung"......

Diana said...

Cool, cool! Love it!

tonicito said...

Gitta said...
I've looked at it a couple of times but I am not able to guess. Is it maple or oak tree? Or is it the foot of a dried out old one... how my hobby flusters with a smile over my shoulder :-)... Yes, yes, men have an "explanation" for everything...

Gitta, two trunks, to the left a beech (Buche) and to the right a maple tree (Ahorn) (at least that's what I think!). Even though I am a man, I definitely do not have an explanation for everything! What a boring world would it be! ;)

Diana, thanks! :)