Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Letting time go by...

The end of summer is near.

The sun that used to enter relentlessly through my office window each afternoon, hides behind the fir trees on top of the mountain faster and faster. A sun that, incidentally, I prefer to face with an open window that, at least, lets some breeze go through, than to follow one of these unfathomable Austrian schools of thought that advocate for closing windows in order to keep the air inside cool. In my opinion, a more than debatable idea that, at most, would be valid in combination with a blind or something opaque for that matter. But this is an invention that still has not made it to my office, unfortunately.

The end of the summer, as I was saying, is near. Summer is the season whose ending I am most excited about. First of all, because summer ending marks the beginning of autumn and this one is truly my favourite season. Secondly, there are many minus points that go away with the summer: it stops being too hot, garbage stops stinking, you are able to sleep at night and people, you know, stop smelling (so) bad... And last, but not least, summer sun is way too intense and its rays fall way too vertical, just to shed light over a uniformly dull green colour that does not allow many fun with photography.


Because, I have to admit it, even if it means being despised by my neighbours, I don't like summer. In fact, summer is the last in my list of favourite seasons: first comes autumn, in quite challenged second and third places winter and spring, and way way back, summer.

Anyway, a good thing about summer are those lazy Sunday afternoons, with nothing more to do than taking a sandwich and your bike, ride half an hour to Hellbrunn, lay down on the grass and let time go by, reading a book, sleeping, eating your sandwich, playing around with nice puppies that come over and, in sum, enjoying today's favourite word: Müßiggang, meaning idleness, otiosity.


Let this Müßiggang ride along with us on our way back home...


Unknown said...

Habe heute Deinen Beitrag ueber die automatische Toolbar von Google uebersetzt bekommen.
Ich hab mich koestlich ueber das "chinesische Deutsch" amuesiert.:-)
Eure Radtour war sicher schoen vor allem nach so viel "Muessiggang"
Man muesste sich tatsaechlich viel oefter Muessiggang leisten:-)!!Vor allem im Herbst.Fruehling und Herbst sind auch meine Lieblings-Jahreszeiten. Auch der Sommer ist schoen mit seinen unzaehligen Blueten,wenn nicht die Temperaturen zu hoch steigen.Den Winter ueberlass ich der Jugend zum Schifahren.Ich geniesse lieber den "Muessiggang" in eine warme Decke gewickelt auf der Suedterasse.
Liebe Gruesse g.

tonicito said...

Gitta said...
Today I got your blog post automatically translated from Google toolbar.
I enjoyed very much the "Chinese German"! :-)
Our bike tour was surely nice, especially after that much Muessiggang
We should allow us more often Muessiggang :-)!! Especially in Autumn. Spring and Autumn are my favourite seasons, too. Summer is also nice, with all its flowers, but only if temperatures rise not too much. Winter is something for the youth, to ski. I rather enjoy the Muessiggang wrapped in a warm blanket on the south terrace.
Liebe Gruesse g.

Gitta, you're right, automatic translations might be a lot of fun. Another funny experiment is to write something in your language, translate it to another language, and then translate the result back into the original language. Give it a try! :)

Thanks for your comment! :)