It's funny how something so simple as a hat can change not only your image but your gestures as well...
We had a very windy evening yesterday and, as I was walking home, I discovered myself holding my hat with my right hand as I was crossing the river, fearing the wind would blow it away. And it struck me that I was just mimicking the very same gesture that thousands of men must have inconsciously made throughout the centuries before me.(*)
All of a sudden, I felt as if I were part of a picture at the turn of the 20th century.
(*) To be honest, I'm not quite sure if my hat is a fedora or a trilby. What do you think?
Saturday, 27 March 2010
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Hm,ich finde den Hut schoen, sportlich elegant,irgend wie English-----Traegst Du dazu auch den langen Stockschirm und hellen Staubmantel?
Auf jeden Fall druecken die Finger die den Aparat halten aus ,dass der Mann der den Hut traegt sehr sensibel ist,und da passt die englische Eleganz sehr gut finde ich.
Wie waers mit einem ganzen Bild?
Ich wuensch dir einen schoenen Palmsonntag!
PS:Manche Menschen koennen in Sack und Asche gehen und wirken elegant!:-)
I can't tell for sure, maybe a mixture of both? Anyway, you look great :)
I wish hats were back here, people look much better with a hat in winter, specially on windy days.
Gitta, there has been no umbrella yet! It is not raining that much in Salzburg these days. About the picture, it's not "ein ganzes Bild" but how about this?
Ka, I'm not so sure that it is one of them, because both should be made of felt and mine is definitely not. Anyhow, hats are not that common in Salzburg either, especially on people my age... But, you know, that's the thing of us trend-setters ;)
Hm,das Bild zeigt dass nicht nur New Yorker "longs" haben nach ihrer Stadt.Mit oder ohne Hut und Schirm :-)
(Dachte in Salzburg regnets so oft?)
Ach uebrigens ,mein Mann klaerte mich auf und meinte, dass man diese Form Hut(Form und Stoffart,manchmal auch gruener Filz) in seiner Jugendzeit "Sauschneiderhut" nannte nur die hatten noch Anstecknadeln am Hutband, je nach Verein oder Zunft.Wie eben die Sauschneider.Diese Nadel hatte in einem kleinen Koecher ein paar Sauborsten.Aehnlich wie an den Trachtenhueten der Gamsbart.
(Ich denke es war aber nur in bestimmten Teilen Bayerns so:-) )
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